Exam Access Arrangements Audit Tool



“The Equality Act 2010* requires an awarding body to make reasonable adjustments where a candidate, who is disabled within the meaning of the Equality Act 2010, would be at a substantial disadvantage in comparison to someone who is not disabled. The awarding body is required to take reasonable steps to overcome that disadvantage.”
(JCQ Regs, 2021)

Any SENCO or Head of SEN provision within a Secondary school or FE environment will know how important it is to gather the most appropriate information, in order to make applications for access arrangements in public exams for those who are in greatest need. The process is often understated, time-consuming and misunderstood.

This section provides a range of checklists to audit the implementation of exam access arrangements (EAA) across your setting to ensure they meet the rigorous JCQ Regulations. They can be used by the SENCO/Head of SEN, as a means of self-audit, or by the senior leadership team to monitor the implementation of EAA. They are provided for your own private use only; copyright remains with the author and publisher, SENDISS.

Audit Documents: